Birth Doula Services
Pregnancy and Birth Education
As a highly qualified Birth Professional, I pride myself on my knowledge, gained through education, experience and dedication to the principals and physiological laws of Natural Childbirth.
A big part of my job as a Doula is to empower you through sharing this knowledge and encouraging you to inform yourself in order to make decisions you are proud of, for you and your baby.
"Forgive yourself for not knowing what you didn't know, until you learned it"
Labour and Birth Support
As a compliment to your birth team, I come armed with many ways to assist you in labour. Using specialized tools and techniques I provide natural pain relief and methods to cope with the birth process by use of Counter Pressure, Acupressure, Massage, Rebozo, Visualization, Deep Focused Relaxation Techniques, Breathing Techniques and even Sound Healing.
Part of my compliment to your Birth is empowering and encouraging birth partners to be involved in the birth process, as loved ones play a pivotal role that cannot be overlooked.
Beyond this, what we do as Doulas is often overlooked but in hindsight, appreciated!
"Candles need lighting? I'm on it! This space can be made pretty- let's make it the most wonderful space! You have fairy lights? Fortunately I am an expert at putting up fairy lights! Have you remembered to drink water recently?"
Doulas are an all round help and holders of space and I take massive honour in being allowed into such Sacred Space.
“If a doula were a drug, it would be unethical not to use it.” – John H. Kennell, MD
Postpartum Assistance
I stick around for up to an hour after birth to assist you with settling in, breastfeeding, cleaning up, making a meal, help with other children or anything that may need to be tended to so that you can enjoy every second of your golden hour!
"The Greatness of the Human Personality happens at the hour of birth"- Maria Montessori
Regular check ins
I check in with you regularly throughout your pregnancy and will send you birth videos, resources, things to think about or anything I feel you may benefit from on your pregnancy journey. I am also available via Whatsapp and email if you feel you need additional support at any time.
Postpartum, my support does not stop and you can expect me to be in touch to check in often- everyone needs lots of support in those few weeks postpartum!
"Every woman needs someone to rely on, someone free of a heart with judgement, someone she can inherently trust with her Heart. Let's all be that woman for another"- J Viljoen
Emotional support
Throughout pregnancy and even labour, I will provide you with emotional support. Like a cheerleader (but less loud!) I cheer you on from the sidelines as you become empowered in each step you take towards your new baby.
Having a bad day? Let me know, I have big shoulders!
During labour and birth, I use HypnoBirthing techniques to keep you cent
"Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your biggest fear!"- Jane Welderman
Sacred Pregnancy Guidance
For Birthing People who are interested in the Spiritual Medicine we have access to in our pregnancy and birth timelines.
I provide classes filled with activities, guided visualizations and beautiful couple's exercises to assist in the release of birth related fear and emotional blocks- as well as to honour your baby, relationship with God, your Self, your baby and your partner.
"Gentle Birth Heals the Earth"