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Hypnobirthing for a Peaceful Birth Course

Do you want a Peaceful, Positive Birth?

When carrying a new life and getting ready for birthing, being prepared is imperative.

Sadly due to the medicalization of birth, many families have been left disappointed and sometimes traumatized by the level of care that they received during their pregnancy and/or birth.

Having worked in this field and having experienced three different types of birth, I myself, have felt the very real benefit of having attended Childbirth Preparation Classes based on Hypnobirthing philosophy.

Fear and anxiety are common in both first time Moms and Moms who have previously birthed.

In such a special and vulnerable time, families should be able to embrace and enjoy the journey, relaxing and surrendering to the miracle that is pregnancy and birth. Yet Moms find themselves, suddenly, in a new world entirely!


Well-meaning advice from family can add to the already long lists of questions and moms find themselves overwhelmed.

This is where the My Birthing Kit Syllabus comes in. Along with an in-depth ebook written by Creator and Founder of MBK- Kim Young, printable affirmations and pre-recorded relaxations; the syllabus covers everything (and more) that an expecting family needs to know. Geared toward both the birthing mother and her partner, these classes leave families feeling confident and excited for their birthing.

Course Outline


Natural Birth Full Course

Class 1:

I Trust My Body To Birth

  • Why do we fear what we were made to do?

  • The perfect design

  • The way birth should work

  • Why does labour hurt?

  • The Mind-Body Connection

  • What happens when fear is present during labour?

  • Failure to Progress?

  • How to have a better birth 

    • Changing Mindset​

    • Language we use

  • Nutrition and exercise

I Trust My Mind

  • The Power of the mind

  • Where does hypnosis come in?


Class 2:

Building my Toolkit

  • Reprogramming and Releasing Fear

  • Relaxation

  • ​Breathing
  • Visualization
  • Massage


Class 3 

I Trust My Birthing Team

  • Choosing the right service provider

  • Choosing the right environment

  • Importance of birth preferences

  • Creating the birth preferences

  • Enhancing the environment

  • Enhancing oxytocin

  • Water Birth

  • VBAC (Vaginal Birth after Caeserean

  • Helping the partner to support the birth process

I Trust My Baby

  • Connecting with my baby - pre-birth bonding 

  • Connecting with my baby - post - birth bonding

  • Optimum Positioning

  • Breech Positioning

  • Pregnancy and Birth Myths

  • Signs of labour onset

  • Induction vs Natural Induction

  • Natural Induction

  • When to call your midwife or doctor


Class 4

I Trust My Birthing Instincts

  • Baby and Body working together

  • Feel mentally ready

  • If labour stalls or stops

  • Feel emotionally ready

  • Avoiding unecessary interventions

  • Signs that labour is progressing

  • Positions for birth

  • When the birth is not the one you planned for

I Trust My Parenting Instincts

  • Post birth bonding and the golden hour

  • Bathing your baby

  • Breastfeeding is best feeding

  • Nappy Changes

  • Early day parenting

  • Why babies don't come with a pre-programmed schedule

  • Benefits of instinctive parenting


Course Structure:

Classes are held weekly for 4 weeks, online via Skype. 



Group Classes are R1800 (including your downloadable materials) for both mother and her birthing partner. I recommend that the person attending the course along with the Mom be the same person who will support her during labour and birth.


A R400 deposit is required to secure your spot in our classes. Payment plans are available on request- I want this course to be accessible for all.


Group Course dates for February: 

5, 12, 19, 26 February (8AM- 10:30AM)


Private classes are R4500 (including your downloadable materials) and are held at a time that best suits you.



Hypnobirthing for a Peaceful Birth Course: Our Services


No amount of words can truly sum up the impact that Jade has had on not only my life, but my partner and my baby's lives too. Before our lessons, which were conducted entirely online as I am based in Durban, I was absolutely clueless about what to expect when expecting.

My idea of birth was ill-informed by the mass media and my expectations of the birthing journey were filled with anxiety and fear. Thanks to Jade and the Hypnobirthing method, I am well prepared to take on the birthing journey as a well-informed and protective parent-to-be.

I am equipped with an in-depth knowledge of my body, the natural process of birthing, and techniques to employ to ensure that my birthing experience is entirely natural with no medical intervention required. I am confident in my body and my baby's ability to work together in harmony to ensure a safe and peaceful passage from womb to world.

Jade, you have picked the perfect name for your business, Sacred Soul Birth Services. You truly are one of a kind and your soul most certainly is sacred. "Something that is sacred is dedicated or set apart for the service or worship of a deity or considered worthy of spiritual respect." That is exactly what you are. A goddess of pure light and love.

Thank you from the top of my heart to the bottom of my womb for everything that you have done for me over the past few weeks in preparation for my birthing journey. I quite honestly, couldn't have done it without you.
- Sian Lindeque

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Please feel welcome to email me should you have any further enquiries or if you would like to book a space in our next classes.

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